Hatt är inne och ska det vara hatt så ska det vara Stetson. En äkta Stetson visar stil, klass och elegans.
Finns det något mer klassiskt och amerikanskt än en äkta Stetson. Själv känner jag mig aldrig riktigt klädd förrän jag har en av mina stiliga Stetsonhattar på huvudet. Resultatet av min passion för detta riktigt amerikanska klassiska har gjort att vi nu stoltserar med gotlands i särklass största och bredaste sortimentet av Stetson. Är du kräsen som jag och vill ha hatt så måste du först komma hit. En riktig hatt måste provas och lyckan blir aldrig större än då man provar en väl passande Stetson på huvudet.
Stetson har lång erfarenhet av att tillverka många typer av hattar i olika material. Alltid med fullt fokus på att skapa hattar med stil som skyddar dig mot både kyla och och farlig strålning från för stark sol.
En hatt från Stetson skyddar dig inte bara från överhettning. Den gör också att folk imponerande vänder huvudet mot dig när du stolt bär din Stetson på stranden.
One advantage of the narrow-brimmed straw hat with diamond crown is its sustainable design. Natural shellac is used to shape the natural seaweed from which the model is made. The hat band is also made from a climate-friendly twill of cotton from regenerative cultivation and recycled cotton textiles. All other elements, such as the outer brand label, the care label and the sewing threads, are also made from recycled materials.
Crochet seaweed is ideal for light, airy, summery headwear. The material is handmade and very sturdy. Since the 100% straw fibers are natural, they have natural color variations that give each hat an authentic look. The processed seaweed fibers are flexible and breathable. This ensures a consistently pleasant wearing comfort.
The most special thing about this diamond style is how it looks from above. Seen from a bird’s-eye view, the crown takes on the contours of a diamond. A flat top and small, upturned brim are typical for the look of this hat. With its slim silhouette, the shape is appealingly cosmopolitan, yet not ostentatious.
En given succé
Denna porkpie är vävd i vetehalm vilket ger en härligt skön känsla.
Ytan är elegant skimrande med ett snyggt färgglatt trimband. En skön lätt hatt i ett fantastikt mjuktmaterial.
100% strå (vete)
Raffia straw is made using long palm leaves that are covered with a layer of bast fiber before they unfurl. This protects the leaves from the heat of the sun as they grow – and passes on this quality to the hand-woven or hand-knit raffia fibers used for headwear.
The elegant shape is a stunner: Depending on the occasion or wearer’s preference, the hat can be worn as a fedora or as a wide-brimmed hat. At all times, the design radiates an aura of classic elegance.
En avslappnad stil
Med ett lätt svängt brätte och traditionsenligt veckad krona ger denna hatt från Stetson en avslappnad stil och elegans. En rem i snyggt färgat tyg som omgärdar kronan.Denna trilby hatt är en trendig semesterhatt som passar såväl när du är på resande som när du bjuder hem vänner på ett coolt trädgårdsparty.
100% Viskos
Toyo viscose straw is a versatile cellulose-based material that brings together the positive characteristics of natural materials: increased flexibility, imperviousness to water and resistance to ripping. This machine-woven version shows off an appealing two-tone heather.
With its dynamic, strikingly curved appearance, this classic ladies’ hat is a carefree, romantic eye-catcher for the summer. The dapper upward-curving brim of this high-quality Stetson can be turned downward to provide protection from the sun.
Avslappnad elegans
Denna stilfulla hatt kombinerar elegans med klassisk look samtidigt som den är lätt, mjuk och bekväm tack vare sin lätta och fina stråkvalité. Snyggt brätte och stilfullt mönstrat trimband gör att denna hatt passar dig som gillar stil och etikett.
En kvalitativ handgjord stråhatt med utstrålning.
100% viskos (Toyo strå)
Denna Panama-hatt är tillverkad i Ecuador på traditionellt sätt. Hatten har en modernt stilrent utseende. Vävd i 100% naturlig toquilla-strå som ger
en underhållsfri sommarkänsla.
Ett 7 cm brett brätte som sveper upp längs huvudets sidor och en krona med en höjd av 10 cm som har en snygg inbockning ger denna outdoor hatt vilda västern - charm med en klassisk cowboy look.
Material 100% toquilla-strå
Tillverkad i Ecuador
Innehåller inget material av animaliskt ursprung.
A variation on the pork pie hat, the “player” has a narrow brim that is slightly upturned all the way around the head, lending it an air of agility. This timeless yet modern design is also reflected in the centerdent creased crown.
The raffia is made from 100% raffia palm straw. The lightweight natural fibers are first bleached and then dyed over. This creates the interesting color effect of the material. The classic raffia border is preferred for straw hats. It gives summer headwear its characteristic look and is very comfortable to wear due to its light weight.
The most special thing about this diamond style is how it looks from above. Seen from a bird’s-eye view, the crown takes on the contours of a diamond. A flat top and small, upturned brim are typical for the look of this hat. With its slim silhouette, the shape is appealingly cosmopolitan, yet not ostentatious.
The hand-woven material (100% raffia palm straw) results in a stunning yet restrained pattern of countless criss-crossing stripes. The natural material, which is a single color, sets off the structure of the weave in a stylish yet restrained way.
The most special thing about this diamond style is how it looks from above. Seen from a bird’s-eye view, the crown takes on the contours of a diamond. A flat top and small, upturned brim are typical for the look of this hat. With its slim silhouette, the shape is appealingly cosmopolitan, yet not ostentatious.
This high-quality fedora is both dashing and bold. The model, which can also be worn as a wide-brimmed hat, gets its stunning appeal from the classic cheerful look of the brim and the pleat-accented crown. The crown is somewhat higher than usual, a typically American style.
Fångar solens skimrande strålar
En snygg player vävd i vetestrå vilket ger ytan ett fint skimmer. Detta kombinerat med ett vackert trimband i flera färger gör att du får en hatt som är riktigt vacker och elegant.
100% strå (vetehalm)
En charmig hatt i stilig äkta panama-väv i Brisa-mönster från toquila-palmen. Detta högkvalitativa unika material ger en lätt och underhållsfri hatt.
En klassisk elegant Traveller från Stetson med ett snyggt kurvat brätte som ger dig elegans och stil. Det snyggt designade skuggande brättet tillsamman med de tre smakfulla djupa vecken på kronan ger denna hatt magi och dynamik.
Härligt lätt och luftig under varma sommardagar.
Materialet tillverkat i Ecuador
Hatten producerad i Italien
Modern traveller med stil
Den tydliga känslan av raffiastrån gör att denna stiliga hatt får en naturlighet och elegans. Raffiahattens speciella struktur ger den handgjorda hatten en känsla av hög kvalité och charm.
På hattremmen en mycket smakfull liten Stetson-logga i metall
100% raffia
Thanks to its classically elegant design, this carefully crafted Traveller from Stetson is a timeless accessory for stylish outfits. The attractive brim – downturned at the front and back and straight along the sides – is a particularly special feature, adding smart style to the wearer’s look.
100% raffia
With plenty of attention to detail and careful crafting, this refined raffia-straw weave shows off an inspirational pattern of zigzags and stripes. Naturally occurring differences in color are a wonderful complement to the exceptionally elegant look of this carefully crafted piece.
Classically elegant and radiating zest, this stylish Traveller from Stetson is a high-quality hat brimming with character and style. Three deep creases in the crown and a tastefully curved, shading brim lend the charming design an attractive dynamism.
Contains non-textile parts of animal origin.
Gör det enkelt
En äkta elegant ståhatt i sjögräs från Stetson är det självklara valet när det är sommar, ledigheter och som skydd mot stark sol. Denna traveller hat är lätt och bekväm att bära tack vare det kvalitativa material den är tillverkad i. Denna hatt med en svepande svängning på brättet ger stil och elegans.
100% strå (sjögräs)
The hand-woven material shows off the elegant design in a particularly light-weight, dynamic way. The material’s large stitches mean that it is actively breathable. The carefully crafted eelgrass straw material radiates natural, cheerful charm.
Thanks to its classically elegant design, this carefully crafted Traveller from Stetson is a timeless accessory for stylish outfits. The attractive brim – downturned at the front and back and straight along the sides – is a particularly special feature, adding smart style to the wearer’s look.
Contains non-textile parts of animal origin.
Crochet seaweed is ideal for light, airy, summery headwear. The material is handmade and very sturdy. Since the 100% straw fibers are natural, they have natural color variations that give each hat an authentic look. The processed seaweed fibers are flexible and breathable. This ensures a consistently pleasant wearing comfort.
Thanks to its classically elegant design, this carefully crafted Traveller from Stetson is a timeless accessory for stylish outfits. The attractive brim – downturned at the front and back and straight along the sides – is a particularly special feature, adding smart style to the wearer’s look.
Contains non-textile parts of animal origin.
100% raffia
The 100% viscose material features an impressively soft feel and modern, consistently stylish look. This makes it easy to combine the design with a variety of summer outfits.
Thanks to its classically elegant design, this carefully crafted Traveller from Stetson is a timeless accessory for stylish outfits. The attractive brim – downturned at the front and back and straight along the sides – is a particularly special feature, adding smart style to the wearer’s look.
Toyo straw, which is produced using cellulose, is the smart alternative to natural materials. It results in unusually strong fibers that retain their flexibility and are perfect for carefully woven, stylishly summery headwear. The material offers light-weight protection from the sun and can even withstand a summer downpour to a significant extent.
Classically elegant and radiating zest, this stylish Traveller from Stetson is a high-quality hat brimming with character and style. Three deep creases in the crown and a tastefully curved, shading brim lend the charming design an attractive dynamism.
Contains non-textile parts of animal origin.
The 100% viscose material features an impressively soft feel and modern, consistently stylish look. This makes it easy to combine the design with a variety of summer outfits. One fold and two pleats provide the trilby with lively, cheerful charm; it’s exciting and yet elegant. The flat crown and small brim enhance the design with a modern, athletic touch. This model can be combined with a wide variety of looks and is always in style.
En modern hatt med vackra linjer för dig som inte nöjer dig med något annat än riktigt skön design. En härligt naturlig känsla får man när man ser denna "coola" hatt i lite kontrastfärgad raffia strå.
Hatten är gjord med omsorg med vackert band och en stilig skinande liten logo-emblem i metall.
Raffia straw, which is derived from tropical African palms, is familiar with hot climates. Young palm fronds are covered with bast fibers that are later separated and dried to produce natural straw. The flexible, light-weight fibers ultimately produce the carefully woven material used for modern headwear.
The design of this high-quality Stetson hat comes from the Australian cattle ranches on which “gamblers” are traditionally worn. The upward-turned brim, which offers great wind and weather protection, is a defining feature of this ultra-stylish, carefully crafted cowboy hat.
Contains non-textile parts of animal origin.
The classic cattleman crown lends the western hat a stylish, dramatic touch. But it’s not just the characteristic center dent and deep creases that give the hat its dynamic look. The wide brim, which slopes up along the sides dramatically, makes this design a lively, cheerful attention-grabber.
Contains non-textile parts of animal origin.